Photo: Milwaukee Bucks/YouTube screenshot

In his first public statement since being named head coach of the Phoenix Suns, Mike Budenholzer expressed his gratitude and excitement for the opportunity.

Budenholzer, an Arizona native and a seasoned coach with a strong track record, acknowledged the honor of leading the team he grew up watching.

“I am honored to be named head coach of the Phoenix Suns, the team I grew up watching,” said Budenholzer, reflecting on his deep-rooted connection to the franchise.

He extended his appreciation to Mat Ishbia, Josh Bartelstein, and James Jones for entrusting him with the leadership role.

Budenholzer emphasized his eagerness to work with the talented roster of players and praised their readiness to compete at the highest level.

“I’m grateful to have a talented roster of players who are ready to compete and play a style of basketball that will bring out the best in all of them,” Budenholzer stated.