In the lead-up to’s celebrity poker challenge, Karl-Anthony Towns talked about switching the court for the felts. 

Firstly, could you tell us about the charity you’ve chosen for this poker competition and why it holds a special place in your heart?

As the homelessness crisis in the U.S. continues to grow, we must do our part to help homeless people in the community.  Being from the greater NYC area, I am very aware of the important work Women In Need does by providing critical services and shelter for homeless families.  WIN’s services and programs allow families to regain their independence and succeed. 

Aside from the obvious positives of potentially winning money or prizes, what is it that you love most about the game of poker?

Besides being able to spend time with good friends, poker is a competitive game that gives you an adrenaline rush much like basketball.  With poker, you must make quick decisions and always be aware of everything that is happening around the table.

Which famous poker players or celebrities have you played against before and who would you love to face in this competition and why?  

I play poker with Paul George and many other friends, and I am very excited to be playing against Michael Phelps in the upcoming celebrity poker tournament.

What do winning and success mean to you, both in life and at the poker table, and what specific skills, strategies, or qualities do you believe have been instrumental in your achievements?  

Each time you step onto the court, you have to be confident you can win and will be the best on the court.  Poker is very similar;  each time you sit down, you must believe you are better than the other players.

As someone accustomed to competing in public, how does the experience of competing behind a screen, like on platforms such as, compare for you?

Online poker enables you to rely on your instincts and less on reading your opponent’s body language.  Being a competitive athlete, I always bring the energy and desire to win.

You’ve been an inspiration to countless athletes and fans worldwide. What advice would you give to those who aspire to achieve greatness in their field, and also what’s your top tip for poker players?  

Believe in yourself and always compete at the highest level. 

The tournament featured Karl-Anthony Towns, Paul George, Michael Phelps, and DJ Khaled. You can watch the final here. The victor donated $10,000 to a charity of their choice. Global Poker funded all donations throughout the challenge.