Cajasol won a hard game against Menorca Basket (75-67) thanks to a great second half. Urtasun and Kirksay were the best players on the winning side, while Radenovic was the best man in the visiting team.
Maybe it was because of Christmas time, but neither Cajasol nor Menorca were very interested in winning the game. The first quarter was cold as snow, with both teams from one to side of the court to another with no control. Menorca played better in this scenario, and it was thanks to Urtasun that Cajasol managed to stay in the game.
In the second quarter, Menorca clearly controlled the game. With a zonal defense, they got some good points in advantage, enough to start the second half with enough confidence. Ciorciari made his teammates play really well, while Radenovic, with his inside-outside game was a scoring machine, reminding everyone in San Pablo why he should have stayed in Cajasol.
Anyway, the second half was much better for Cajasol. In spite of Paul Davis’ trouble with fouls, the local team increased the level of their game and this way they tied the score.
A very quiet Katelinas, who played a brilliant last quarter, scored again and again almost unnoticed. Moreover, Kirksay and Bullock shooted well from the outside, and Triguero was very big in the paint. This was one of the main problems in Menorca, since they couldn’t score near the basket during the whole game. Torres and Radenovic were always playing outside, and in the end, Cajasol took advantage of this.
With this win, Cajasol keeps on the run for the Copa del Rey, which takes place in February with four games yet to be played to decide which teams will take part in it.
75 – Cajasol (18+16+20+21): Satoransky (3), Bullock (15), Kirksay (12), Katelynas (12), Paul Davis (6) -starting five-, Popovic (2), Triguero (5), Urtasun (17), Sastre (3), Ivanov (-)
67 – Menorca Básket (18+24+12+13): Ciorciari (5), Limonad (8), Cuthbert Victor (12), Donaldson (6), Radenovic (14) -starting five-, Huertas (6), Servera (2), Diego Sánchez (5), Caio Torres (9)