Here’s former Phoenix Sun Cedric Ceballos on his first encounter with Larry Bird at the Boston Garden.

(Via The Rex Chapman Show):

“When I first played in the Garden, I got checked into the game and Larry Bird was standing there. I walked right up to him and was like, ‘How are you doing Mr. Bird? I’m Ced…(body shaking).’ He just had his hands on his hips, and he doesn’t even look at me the whole time. He looks at Paul Westphal because they were teammates together and goes, ‘Paul, I know y’all ain’t got this f****** rookie guarding me! You gotta be f****** kidding me!’ And I got my hand out. My hand is still out. So I’m just like, ‘Oh, well. Somebody come guard 33 because I think I’m gonna guard somebody else.’ For him to talk trash and never even make eye contact or talk to me, I was like, ‘This dude is dangerous.’”