Here’s Indiana Pacers guard Ben Sheppard complimenting his fellow rookie teammate Jarace Walker after Saturday’s 127-109 road loss vs. the Minnesota Timberwolves (5 points/2 rebounds/3 assists/2 steals/2-3 FG/1-2 3-PT/24 minutes played).
(via Indiana Pacers):
Reporter: “Obviously you and Jarace have spent a lot of time together sort of developing each other, just being around and seeing each step the other one is making. This was kind of the biggest opportunity he’s got, what impressed you about him and what do you feel like people haven’t seen from him yet as far as what you’ve seen?”
Sheppard: “I’d say everyone was impressed with his defensive presence and his vision. He made a couple passes today where we were just like, ‘Wow.’ I know Jarace has that in his game. And I think some stuff people haven’t seen yet is his offensive capabilities and just a great player. I’m thankful to have him as a teammate and I love cheering him on.”
Reporter: “How far have you seen his shot come along? That was obviously kind of a thing, he didn’t have a great performance in summer league and everything, but it seems like that’s something he’s working on all the time and getting some results in?”
Sheppard: “Yeah, he’s always in the gym working on his shot. When we get assigned to the G League, that’s just time for us to work on our game. We know he’s a capable shooter and it’s going to come along. Every shot he puts up I think is going to go in.”