Photo: Brooklyn Nets/Twitter

In a recent revelation, a former Brooklyn Nets cheerleader made shocking claims about her sexual involvement with several Nets players during the previous season.

While the ex-cheerleader refrained from disclosing specific names, she made it clear that her interactions were not with the bench players.

During an interview, the former cheerleader shed light on the team’s regulations concerning player-cheerleader relationships.

She stated, “You’re not… It’s actually in our contract that says that fraternization, or however they word it, with the players is frowned upon. So they don’t technically say it’s not allowed, they say ‘frowned upon.’ I don’t think that the players have the same rule in their contract. They kind of can do whatever they want.

“During the time I was dancing for them I just did it anyway. They don’t like us to do it because they think it takes away from our talent, our whatever. I don’t agree with that. I think that I can be talented and sexual and I don’t think that it takes away from my credibility or anything. So I kind of just did it anyway.”