Damian Lillard
Photo: Forbes/Getty Images

No one is safe on April 1. A tweet from Lakers UK to Damian Lillard suggested that the Portland superstar may be Los Angeles bound.

Well, that tweet was curated and sent from myself. The founder and the man behind the Lakers UK social media accounts. Within 10 minutes a response worthy of my amusement started flowing in. Never in my wildest imagination did I think the man himself would respond. Especially as he wasn’t tagged in the tweet.

The living room “report” from myself has recently featured on Bleacher Report, as I am well on my way to global NBA domination. Maybe not global NBA domination, but tampering Damian Lillard to pair up with LeBron James and Anthony Davis on the Lakers.

Thank me later, Laker Nation. Contact has been made. Next step, seeing Lillard in the purple and gold.