The head coach of Fenerbahce, Zeljko Obradovic, was very disappointed with his players following the loss to Armani Milano (87-74).
“We did not play well. We did nothing of what we have prepared. Absolutely nothing. The responsibility lies, above all, with the point guards. And I don’t understand why we work a lot and then we play as we played. It is a shame. I can’t believe in what I see.
It is said EuroLeague is tough, players are tired. After BSL game they had two days off. What else I can do? Give them a week off? Should I pray them and say ‘Come on, guys. Let’s play. We are a good team’? They know how I am. Let’s try to do something more.
In our backcourt, I don’t see a player able to understand. If guards don’t understand how we have to play, it is going to be very difficult.
Guards are more important in basketball than bigs,” the Serbian coach told reporters in the post-game press conference, per Emiliano Carchia of Sportando.