Now it is a hard time for him. When Aito arrived to the Spanish bench, he did few changes in the roster, but one of them was leaving Carlos Cabezas out of the twelve chosen players. In fact, the new playmakers trio is composed by Calderon, Raul Lopez and Ricky Rubio.
Moreover, Aito called more than twelve players for the initial stage of the preparation phase. Another point guard was selected: Victor Sada. That means that Cabezas is the fifth in Aito’s mind.
When Olympics finished and the pre-season of Unicaja started, it will be time to show things for Carlos Cabezas. He said some interesting things in a local newspaper (La Opinion de Malaga) yesterday:
“I felt rage when I knew I was not in the list. I have given an step forward this season and I thought I could be there”.
“I think I would be in the list if Pepu was the Head Coach”.
“I am not going to say anything to Aito, I just want to be a good professional and work hard.”
“My contract finishes at the end of the season, I would be a free agent. I have never played a season wihout a contract for the next year, I don’t want this kind of pressure, but Unicaja made me an offer for extension and I don’t see clear the terms.”
Carlos Cabezas will be the third worst paid player in Unicaja after the two junior players. It is not a fair position for one of the best playmakers in ACB league.
It seems that he is not passing through his best moment in the club of his heart… maybe we will be talking about a new destiny for Cabezas in the next summer, but from this point he has to give another step forward and show Europe what he is able to do, show Aito he can be one of the best point guards.
The only sure thing is that the next season will be one an inflection point in Cabezas’ career.