Photo: Minnesota Timberwolves/Twitter

Minnesota Timberwolves guard Mike Conley acknowledges that he’s among the last remaining players from his draft class still active in the NBA. While he’s aware that his playing days are drawing to a close, Conley isn’t dwelling on that fact.

When asked about his future, Conley said, “Before I signed the extension, it was like, ‘Man, it could be this year, it could be next year, it could be any year.’ But then as I played this year out, I was like, ‘Man, I haven’t slowed down yet, and I just can’t imagine myself leaving when I haven’t hit that bottom yet.’ So I’m just gonna burn these tires off and not put a date on it and see what happens.”

Conley takes pride in being one of the five players still active in the NBA from the 2007 draft class, alongside Kevin Durant, Jeff Green, Al Horford, and Thaddeus Young.

“Oh, yeah. I think about that when I get out on the court every day, bro, I promise you. When I pray before the games, it’s just all gratitude. It’s just like, ‘Bro, I’m out here in front of all these people again, like I get to do this again?’ It’s not a given. I’m 36,” Conley said.

“Like you said, there aren’t too many of us that are still playing and trying to do it at a high level. And I take pride in that. I know all the guys. You know, I see Thaddeus Young, guys who were in my draft class, Jeff Green, you see all the guys, and you give them a head nod. ‘Keep going, bro. Don’t let them stop you.’ … It’s a sense of pride.”