Mr. BAGS will perform for the fans inside Uber Arena as the two teams in the final head to the locker rooms.
As fans take a chance to breathe before the 2024 Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Championship Game and also at halftime, they will be treated to an innovative set of performances that will take their breaths away.
The championship game has become synonymous with pursuing innovation and that will be the case once again, as the visual language and technology used will create a new norm for the incredible level of these shows, which have once again been created and produced by the multiple award-winning Filmmaster. The “Ritual of Glory” will offer an exciting dialogue between the audience gathered inside Berlin’s Uber Arena, with the extraordinary show cast of dancers, music performers and acrobats creating a symbolic ritual celebration that puts basketball right at the center.
Those inside the arena will see the iconic ring, called “The Hoop”, travel down vertically from above the Media Cube and almost touch the court floor and tilting, allowing the moving light fixtures to cast amazing patterns that transform the court into a “Home of Glory” for players and fans alike.
What’s more, there are two large motorized vertical screens next to the gigantic hoop that will act as portals, which will showcase content and bring multiple volumetric configurations to the scene. It will culminate with the screens lifting up at the end of the show to welcome the players on court in truly spectacular fashion.
Down on the floor, prepare to be amazed as the international freestyle movement pioneers DaMove and the Berlin-based Lunatix dance company pay tribute to the ultimate challenge that is set to take place between the two finalist teams on the court. This top-notch entertainment, which is in line with the urban innovative spirit of the event, will leave fans with their jaws on the floor.
To close the pre-game festivities, there will be a performance that sees everyone come together before the trophy is revealed and brought down to the court.
Then, during the halftime show, Italian music group Mr. BAGS will keep everyone inside Berlin’s Uber Arena entertained with an unmissable set of cover songs.
Entertainment value has been a guarantee in the Final Four show over the years. That will be the case once again as the action takes a brief pause to allow the fans to keep the atmosphere going, with Mr. BAGS ready to amaze supporters with their performance.
Source: EuroLeague Press Release