Photo: Gilbert Arenas/Instagram

Former NBA star guard Gilbert Arenas sat down with Vlad TV and talked about the LGBTQ “playbook” and how every normal person is constantly being judged and canceled in some cases.

“They have a playbook that only they are playing by, that they can only see, no one else gets to see this playbook, but we’re being judged by everything that’s in this playbook, but we don’t know it,” Arenas said.

“So, it’s like, there is no open dialogue about what is appropriate and what’s not. We only find out after we f-ck up and that’s unfair. That’s f*cking unfair you can’t do that. Just words, phrases like he, she, it, they. We don’t f*cking know. How do we know? You’re making it up as you go.

“It’s unfair that you can cancel somebody on a playbook that only you have.”

In the episode below, Patrick Bet-David exposes the shocking history behind the LGBTQ Movement: