Photo: Miami Heat/Twitter

Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler says that he’s extremely thankful for his time at Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas.

(via House of Highlights):

Melissa Rohlin: “If we can rewind a bit, you’ve talked before about having one D-I scholarship offer. What made you decide to go instead the JUCO route with Tyler?”

Butler: “I don’t know, but I’m grateful for Tyler Junior College. Taught me a lot about the game of basketball. I don’t know, I had so much belief in myself. Not to say that I’d be up here talking to y’all in the Finals, but I just knew I could be a really good basketball player, maybe make a little bit of money doing basketball overseas. They taught me a lot at Tyler Junior College about the game of basketball. And then, go to Marquette for three years. I think JUCO just so happened to be like the best thing for me. I couldn’t tell you that at the time. I was frustrated that I wasn’t playing Division I basketball, but my goodness, I’ve got so much love for Tyler Junior College.”