Home Fun Stuff Seibutis getting support from superheroes (videos)

Seibutis getting support from superheroes (videos)

Renaldas Seibutis returned to his native Lithuania after six years abroad playing in Greece, Spain and Turkey but it seems he wasn’t forgotten… In fact, among his most loyal fans you would find… two superheroes…

That’s right. The spectators of two Lietuvos Rytas games in Siemens Arena witnessed Superman and Batman appear from the crowd just as superheroes do.

But this time instead of saving someone’s life the superheroes held a poster with a phrase on it “SEIBUTI PAVARYK!” which translates into English as “GO SEIBUTIS!”.

See for yourself how it all happened below.



In case you don’t believe that superheroes exist in real life, we have a more ‘down to Earth’ explanation for you. It all started with Simas Stankus, a radio DJ, who agreed verbally with Seibutis that he will react to Simas’ shouting during the game.

The first attempt turned out quite well so Simas decided to continue his campaign in a more original way.


What’s next? We have to wait until Rytas’ next home game in Siemens Arena.

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