Sep 20, 2011, 8:01 pm
Keep in mind that recorded history cannot change overnight just because FYROM claims it to be so. There is archaeological and anthropolical evidence in massive amounts that supports the fact that Macedonia is Greek and has been so for thousands of years. The region of FYROM was given the name 'Macedonia' from the old Yugoslav dictator Tito, in the 1940's for reasons I am not clear about. The only reason there is any dispute of gravity between Greece and FYROM is because America is 'mediating' and promising FYROM to be given lands in the far future. All they have to do throughout the decades is repeat that they (FYROM) are Macedonians, and in the end it will become a commonly accepted 'fact'. If this was just between the two countries Greece would have pressured FYROM to forget the name 'Macedonia' altogether, and via diplomatic and economic routes could have forced Gruevski's government to forget any ridiculous claims to our lands that they've ever had and call themselves Vardarska or Skopjan republic, or something along those lines. It's not by chance that this dispute has been going on for so long now