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Godfather Colin Gunn used Facebook to run empire from jail
Facebook is really useful tool:

Quote:ONE of Britain'€™s most dangerous gangsters has been using Facebook to threaten and intimidate his enemies from a maximum security prison.

Colin Gunn, an underworld godfather who ordered the execution of two grandparents, has been able to correspond freely with up to 565 '€œfriends'€ on the social networking site for the past two months.

Gunn, a 'double-A'€ category inmate who is serving a 35-year sentence for conspiracy to murder, is said to be still running his drugs and organised crime cartel from jail. He claims he was allowed to set up a Facebook account by prison governors, suggesting it was his legal right.

Critics believe the authorities may have turned a blind eye out of fear of receiving a legal challenge on human rights grounds.

In one posting, Gunn, 42, said: '€œI will be home one day and I can'€™t wait to look into certain people'€™s eyes and see the fear of me being there.'€ In another message he wrote: '€œIt'€™s good to have an outlet to let you know how I am, some of you will be in for a good slagging, some have let me down badly, and will be named and shamed, f****** rats.'€

Gunn's criminal empire in Nottingham was one of the main reasons why it became known as '€œassassination city'€.

His site, which he appears to have been able to update on a daily basis, was shut down on Friday after The Sunday Times raised the alarm.

Jack Straw, the justice secretary, said he will crack down on Facebook use by prisoners. His department insists social networking sites are prohibited in jail and Gunn had not received permission to run an account. He is the latest '€” albeit the most dangerous '€” offender caught posting comments.

Last week it emerged that Jade Braithwaite, jailed for knifing to death Ben Kinsella, 16, used Facebook to taunt his victim's family.


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Godfather Colin Gunn used Facebook to run empire from jail - by TalkBasket - Jan 31, 2010, 12:27 pm

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