Home Fun Stuff Skip Bayless wasn’t impressed by Aaron Gordon’s Dwyane Wade diss track, “He’s...

Skip Bayless wasn’t impressed by Aaron Gordon’s Dwyane Wade diss track, “He’s getting no pass from me, respect your elders and respect true greatness”

Photo: Sporting News/Twitter

Skip Bayless doesn’t think Aaron Gordon’s Dwyane Wade diss track was clever or funny and has told the Orlando Magic forward to respect his elders.

Gordon, apparently still bitter over losing the Slam Dunk contest in February, released a rap track on Sunday in which he went in on Wade for rating his dunk over Tacko Fall a 9/10. The former Miami Heat superstar has since responded, advising Gordon to trademark the phrase so he can make up for the money he lost.

Skip Bayless has also weighed in:

Skip ain’t feelin’ it…

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