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NBA betting for beginners

Fans stand during the playing of the national anthem as the Golden State Warriors play against the Los Angeles Lakers in the first quarter of their preseason NBA game at Chase Center in San Francisco, Calif., on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019. (Jose Carlos Fajardo/Bay Area News Group)

Even though football remains the most popular sport when it comes to sports betting, it is only fair to admit that basketball has a huge fan base too. More precisely, the interest in NBA betting is constantly growing as more and more bettors decide to try the large variety of bets and odds offered to them.

Always featured at top online bookmakers and offering both off-season and on-season betting, the NBA is perfect for those that enjoy fast-paced action. Yet, carelessly placing bets without understanding how NBA betting works can be a huge mistake. Therefore, we have prepared a comprehensive guide and tips for beginners for betting on the NBA.

NBA Betting Explained

So, how to bet on NBA? NBA is the acronym used for referring to the National Basketball Association markets. This elite basketball league is made of 30 teams that face one another as they try to become the champions. With each team playing 82 regular games, one can easily guess that betting on the NBA is everything but boring. This league offers action almost every day and odds to fantasise about.

When betting on the NBA, punters worldwide can place numerous types of bets; some of them include betting on the games and their final results, while other focus on off-season player drafting.

Types of Bets

NBA betting offers many opportunities for punters. Possibly the simplest bet offered by bookmakers is the money line; this is a head to head bet where bettors try to guess the winner. This type of bet is the easiest to understand and calculate.

For example, if there is a match between the Golden State Warriors and Los Angeles Clippers with the following odds: GS Warriors -300 and LA Clippers +250, we see that Warriors are the favourite for this game. Thus, in order to win £100, you need to bet £300 on Warriors; on the other hand, if you bet £100 on Clippers and they win you will get £250.

Other bets that must be mentioned are the spreads and the totals. The spreads focus on the point difference between the winning and the losing team, often represented by positive and negative figures such as -7.5 or +9. This is actually the most commonly bet when it comes to NBA betting. Totals, on the other hand, is targeting the total number of points scored during a game, regardless of what team scores them.

We also have to mention the parlays and the teasers; these are usually the first choice of experienced bettors as they involve guessing winners of several different games. 

NBA Betting Events

How to bet on NBA events? there are two main ones: draft during the off-season and actual basketball games when the season is on. Thanks to the off-season draft betting and player props, punters don’t have to go days without being able to bet on the NBA.

The real deal, however, starts alongside the season. Namely, the season is separated in several stages. First, there is the regular season starting around mid-October and ending around mid-April. Almost every day teams face each other to earn a spot in the Playoffs.

The Playoffs lead to the Conference Finals where the best two teams of each conference face off one another for earning a spot in the Championship Finals. This is one of the two most important NBA events, the second being the All-Star Game; the All-Star game is a game between the best 24 players of the league. 

Choosing the Best NBA Bookmaker

It goes without saying that bookmakers heavily affect any NBA betting experience. So, it is important to pick a bookmaker that not only provides a safe betting environment, but also various benefits to its punters. Here are some of the crucial ones.

  1. Variety of NBA bet types and odds. Naturally, the odds should play a huge role when choosing the bookmakers; however, another important thing to pay attention to is the type of bets available too. It is a good sign to be able to bet on margins, team totals, halftime doubles etc.
  2. Fast withdrawals times. With so many bookmakers out there, you shouldn’t accept waiting for your cash to be processed for more than 48 hours. Top-class online bookmakers process withdrawal requests even faster and consequently. They complete withdrawals within 7 business days. Anything above that shouldn’t be acceptable.
  3. Live betting. Live betting or In-Play betting popularity is on the rise; hence, it’s always great to stick to bookmakers that offer this service. After all, the games would be much more exciting if you could place bets during the action. Plus, these bets allow you to make better-informed decisions as you know what’s happening on the court.
  4. Live streaming. Live streaming may not be the key reason to use the services of a bookmaker, but it’s certainly considered a pro. Being able to watch the game live and place in-play bets at the same time is an amazing experience for punters.

NBA Betting Tips for Beginners

Just like betting on any other league, NBA betting requires practice and knowledge. Bettors should do research, read guides and find a team and/or player statistics before placing any bets. It goes without saying that having a budget management strategy is a must, just like determining a spending budget before even starting to place any NBA bets.

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