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If you’re one of the people sick of hearing about AI and how the lukewarm, mundane material it generates from genetic prompts, then we apologize in advance for making it the main topic of this piece.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not a fan, especially because it fails to create meaningful artistic craft, music, or engaging forms of writing. However, it is becoming more widely used within all of these mediums. Today, we will be looking at something AI does well—breaking down stats and facts and providing informative insights.

Increasing Technological Developments In Basketball Betting Markets

Although online sportsbooks have offered basketball betting markets for nearly 30 years in some countries, that doesn’t mean that the market hasn’t reshaped and changed significantly within that time, and this has primarily been down to technology. Virtual markets and random number generators have incorporated rudimentary levels of AI tech for over a decade, but other technological advances have taken the front seat, so to speak.

For instance, cryptocurrency betting markets have emerged as a leading alternate payment betting platform. Thunderpick Sportsbook offers the same traditional sportsbooks that have been available online for decades, but the twist is that you connect your crypto wallet directly to the betting site and deposit your funds.

It doesn’t matter if you are playing with prominent cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum or if you’re looking to place a sports bet with lesser-known altcoins like XRP or Litecoin, crypto sportsbooks are continuing to expand their overall package to get people on board.

AI In Basketball

It’s only been since the latter end of 2022, when ChatGPT rose, that AI has truly entered the mainstream. Few people thought it would grow as ferociously as it has, resulting in NVIDIA becoming the most profitable company on the planet toward the end of 2024 and the wider public becoming fully aware of its marvelous yet frightening capabilities.

So, how does AI impact basketball odds? Well, it’s more of a secondary knock-on effect that has stemmed from the rapid pace at which AI can discern huge bodies of basketball data and cherry-pick out some of the most eye-catching elements that some tipsters will use to deliver their opinion on the upcoming basketball odds.

It’s not just in the betting world that AI is starting to make noise. A couple of years ago, Luka Doncic’s metaverse character made some waves, as it was an AI design made to interact with fans and could exhibit emotional growth as well as impromptu responses.

Luka Doncic has a polarizing relationship with technology. Recently, he was the unfortunate target of burglars who monitored his social media accounts to determine when he wouldn’t be home and when they would be able to steal his hard-earned possessions.

Downsides Of AI In Basketball Betting

For all of the genius of AI, there is one thing it still hasn’t grasped yet – human nuance. Sure, it can break down information far quicker than any human can. While one of ChatGPT’s recent updates may have passed the Turing test, it doesn’t mean it can account for the human elements that make basketball so engrossing.

Some human elements include players feeling off the place mentally and not on their A-game. Another example would be total anomalies that occur, even when everything on paper looks like it will go a certain way or the game will end with a specific result.

You only have to trawl through some of the biggest NBA upsets of all time or the top moments of the Thunderpick World Championship to see how this can unfold. It’s the same problem AI has.

All the facts might point one way and nine times out of ten, it might be true, but on the one occasion it’s not, well, this is where the concept of basketball betting does not get stale for millions of people—nobody truly knows what’s about to happen next, and that includes AI, at least for now.

Final Thoughts

AI will inevitably play a much more significant role in all sports in the future. It’s simply a question of how quickly these changes will occur. Ten years from now, AI might be able to chalk up detailed match reports based on a small prompt; there may even be AI commentators covering the big games or AI coaches assisting real coaches on the sidelines.

When it comes to AI, all bets are off, no pun intended. With trillions of dollars literally flowing into the industry from some of the most influential areas of tech, this will invariably trickle down to basketball and how people access their stats and information to place their bets.

For now, the impact might be negligible, but it’s unlikely to remain this way. If any bettors can leverage this technology to their advantage, then expect to see a lot more crossover between AI and basketball betting in the near future.